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Free Discharge Didactic Equipment Vocational Education Equipment Fluid Mechanics Lab Equipment

Item No.: HM 250.06
Free Discharge Didactic Equipment Vocational Education Equipment Fluid Mechanics Lab Equipment
HM 250.06 Free Discharge Didactic Equipment Vocational Education Equipment Fluid Mechanics Lab Equipment

Recording the trajectory of the water jet and discharge coefficients at different outlet velocities
- investigation of the trajectory in function of the level in the tank and the shape of the outlet
- intuitive experiment execution via touch screen (HMI)
- integrated router for operation and control via an end device and for screen mirroring on up to 10 end devices: PC, tablet, smartphone
- network capability: access to ongoing experiments from external workstations via the local network
- automatic identification of accessories via RFID technology
Learning objectives/experiments
- investigate how the level in the tank affects the outlet velocity
- apply Bernoulli's equation
- compare determined and theoretical outlet velocity
- investigate outlet inserts with different diameters and inlet contours, determine pressure loss coefficients
- investigate how the outlet velocity and the pressure loss coefficient affect the trajectory of the water jet
- application of the motion equations to determine the theoretical trajectory
-  software specifically adapted to the accessories used
-- learning module with theoretical fundamentals
-- device description
-- guided experiment preparation
-- execution of the experiment
-- graphical representation of the trajectory
-- data transfer via USB for versatile external use of measured values and screenshots e.g. evaluation in Excel
-- different user levels available
[1] investigation of horizontal discharge from a tank
[2] 4 interchangeable outlet insets with different diameters and inlet contours
[3] determine pressure loss coefficients for the inserts

[4] determine the trajectory of the water jet with digital depth slide gauge in the experimental section
[5] 8 predefined positions in the transparent experimental section for recording trajectory
[6] level in the tank controlled via HM 250
[7] automatic identification of accessories via RFID technology and use of the corresponding  software
[8] experiment execution and display of the measured values via touch screen (HMI)
[9] network capability: access to ongoing experiments and their results from up to 10 external workstations simultaneously via the local network
[10] water supplied via HM 250 base module
Technical data
- material: PMMA, PVC, stainless steel
- height: 590mm
- Ø inner: 100mm
- content: max. 4,6L
Outlet inserts
- rounded contour
-- 1x Ø 4mm
-- 1x Ø 8mm
- sharp-edged contour
-- 1x Ø 4mm
-- 1x Ø 8mm
Experimental section to record the trajectory
- material: PMMA
- 8 positions for depth slide gauge
-- distance between water outlet and 1st position: 25mm
-- distance between 2nd position and 8th position: each 50mm
Digital depth slide gauge
- resolution: 0,01mm
- display (LCD)
- data output: RS 232
Measuring ranges
- depth slide gauge: 0...150mm
- indicated measuring range flow rate: 0...15L/min
- indicated measuring range pressure: 0...500mmWC
LxWxH: 650x260x725mm
Weight: approx. 8,2kg